I like to watch the display of fireworks but...

Fireworks... they look very spectacular in the night sky. And I like to watch them like many of us. At some point I thought that I would be better to watch the fireworks from the distance from the hill but then I have realised that nothing compares with watching it while being directly in the centre of it ( or at least as close as possible ) because then I can also hear the explosions which also add extra dimension to the show. And while watching the fireworks from the distance you don't get this sound effect as intense.

Thus altogether I have to say that it is fabulous to watch the fireworks...

But unfortunately this entertainment is not so enjoyable for everybody. Yeah... I didn't know about it before ( or maybe I didn't not pay so much attention to it ) but thanks to the posts on Facebook I got to realise that this is a real hell for the animals. Yes... they just don't know what is going on with all of these explosions. They feel scared. They don't know where to hide from it. If you have a dog or cat at home then you have probably seen it for yourself.

But what about all the wild animals - birds, bats, rats, cats, dogs and other domestic animals ??? We don't even bother to think about it but in reality this is a very big problem. We do enjoy ourselves while watching fireworks but then there are other beings who do suffer because of it. If you don't know what it feels for the animals then try to imagine that you are sleeping at night and then suddenly you are being woken up by the explosions of bombs, grenades etc. What would you do then ? How would you behave ? Would you be afraid ? Would you run like a crazy person not knowing what to do with yourself and where to hide ?

Well... this is probably the best analogy to the situation of animals during the display of fireworks.

As I said on the beginning I do enjoy very much watching the display of fireworks during the New Year's Eve and on some other occasions but knowing and being aware that it causes so much harm to the animals I decide to not participate anymore in the shows with fireworks.

Yes... I will give up this pleasure and enjoyment because it is not best for all beings on this planet.



Published: 2013 - January - 02      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater